用户友好界面的Cornerstone™ 软件
力可**的Cornerstone 氧氮氧分析软件采用触摸屏界面使用户可完整的达到分析控制、方法设定、在线诊断、数据报告。Cornerstone 氧氮氧分析软件允许用户在单一分析界面中完成日常的所有工作,快速而且简单易用。力可创新的批次和重复样品数据分组功能极大简化了样品结果输出和结果标准偏差的自动计算,减少了繁琐的额外数据处理。

Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Hydrogen in Refractory Metals
One of the most critical chemical specifications of titanium alloys is the hydrogen content. Too high of a
hydrogen content can cause hydrides to precipitate, which can lead to embrittlement and subsequent
cracking when the alloy is stressed. Hydrogen pickup typically occurs during downstream processing steps
such as heat treating, pickling, and cleaning.
The LECO ONH836 is a simultaneous oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen determinator that utilizes an electrode furnace, inert carrier gas, and both infrared and thermal conductivity detection to meet the analytical needs of the refractory metal industry.
This application note was written specifically for use with the LECO ONH836 series determinator.

Instrument calibration/drift correction
f. Clean the upper and lower electrode manually, or, if applicable, remove the crucible and press the analyze button to clean with the automatic cleaner.
g. Firmly place a graphite crucible on the lower electrode tip.
h. Press the Analyze button on the instrument screen, the lower electrode will close and the analysis sequence will start and end automatically.
i. Repeat steps 3b through 3h a minimum of three times for each calibration/drift standard used.
. Calibrate/drift following the procedure outlined in the operator's instruction manual.

氧和氮空白值超过20。这是由于气流小,不能将炉子中的空气驱赶出去。可调节气体流量,调节载气压力在0.2~0.4MPa。接通仪器载气,放一个石墨坩埚在下电极上,打开主电源开关,点击软件上的关炉按钮,关闭炉子并等待10s。调节流量调节器,直到流量计a显示为30L/h,打开炉子。调节调节器直到流量计b显示为50L/h,再次关闭炉子。如果以上设置不稳定,则增加流量至100L/h,反复调节直至仪器稳定。 强力内循环水冷装置。广东LECO分析仪价格
Procedure – Powder/Chip Samples
Instrument calibration/drift correction.
Add approximately 0.05 g of *** Graphite Powder to a***Graphite Crucible.
Firmly place the crucible on the lower electrode tip or appropriate autoloader position.
Press the Analyze button on the instrument screen,the lower electrode will close and the analysis sequence will start and end automatically.
Repeat steps 3b through 3i a minimum of three times for each calibration/drift standard used.